Root Canal Treatment

in Lucknow

Do you have a toothache that won’t quit? Do you feel pain in your gums or are your gums swollen around a certain tooth? Does it hurt when you eat or drink something hot or cold? If so, we may be able to help you.

The Root Canal Procedure

Pain, swelling, sensitivity, pressure, these are all signs that may tell you that a root canal is in order. More directly, they are symptoms of a problem located in the inner chamber of a tooth. Often, infection in pulp tissue results from a cavity that has been left untreated. As bacteria move inward, these microorganisms destroy healthy tissue. The good news is that pulp is not a necessity for fully developed teeth. Removing pulp in the root canal procedure eliminates infection and pain and allows us to preserve the natural tooth structure.

  • Our Chief Dental Surgeon Dr. Mohit Singhal prepares the tooth just as he would to treat a cavity.
  • An opening is made to the root area and pulp tissue, along with nerves and vessels, is removed.
  • Root canals are sterilized with a dental solution
  • Filling material is placed into canals to prevent entry to bacteria
  • The tooth is rebuilt with a beautiful, durable, dental crown.

By completing a root canal, Dr. Mohit Singhal at Singhal Dental Care Clinic can help you save your natural tooth and avoid having an extraction altogether. In addition, the tooth is far less likely to ever have any infection again as dental crowns are sturdy and durable.

Lucknow dentist Dr. Mohit Singhal uses several technological tools in our office to care for our patients effectively and accurately. CBCT scan technology may be incorporated into the root canal procedure, allowing Dr. Mohit Singhal the best view of canals. CT imaging can also identify infection that may not be seen otherwise, such as abscess beneath the gums. The 3-dimensional view obtained with advanced CT imaging also facilitates an accurate diagnosis of pulp anatomy, therefore leading to the best possible result from precision dental care.

What Is a Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal, also referred to as root canal treatment, is a procedure that is used to save a tooth when its pulp, the soft tissue at its center, is infected. Your tooth is made up of narrow passageways that extend from the pulp chamber, a hollow space in the center of your tooth, to the ends of the tooth roots. A root canal involves the removal of decayed or infected tissue from the pulp chamber.

Why Do I Need Root Canal Treatment?

Chances are you’re reading this because you’re experiencing some sort of tooth pain and you’re looking for help with fixing the irritating problem. If the pain is being caused by an infection or inflammation, the tissue in question will need to be removed in order to stop the infection from spreading and the pain from worsening. This process is called root canal treatment.

Can I Just Take Antibiotics for My Dental Infection?

Although antibiotics help your body’s immune system reduce the number of bacteria present in the tissues surrounding your tooth, the infection will persist until the diseased tissue inside your tooth are removed.

What Will Happen During the Procedure?

Once we’ve numbed the area with a local anesthetic, we isolate the tooth with a rubber dam and begin to clean the canals through an opening we make in the crown. After the cleaning, we shape the canals and fill them with a filling and sealer. Finally, we place a temporary filling that will eventually be removed by your dentist when he or she provides the final restoration.

Does It Hurt to Get a Root Canal Treatment?

No. Thanks to modern technology and local anesthetics, our patients rarely feel a thing during a root canal procedure. If you experience any discomfort or sensitivity in the days following treatment, simply manage the pain with over-the-counter medications.

We hope that you will find Singhal Dental Care Clinic a comfortable, welcoming practice for you and your family’s dental needs.

Myths About Root Canal Treatment

Put your mind at ease as we dispel three common myths about root canals:

Myth 1: Root canal treatment is painful.

Decades ago that may have been the case, but with modern technology and anesthetics you won’t experience any more pain than if you went to have a cavity filled. The pain from a severe toothache, often caused by damaged tissues in the tooth, can be easily remedied when our Chief Dentist Dr. Mohit Singhal removes the damaged tissue through root canal treatment.

Myth 2: Root canal treatment causes illness.

Information you may find on the Internet or elsewhere, claiming that if you receive a root canal treatment you’re more likely to become ill or contract a disease in the future simply isn’t true. This false claim was based on long-debunked and poorly designed research conducted nearly a century ago, long before modern medicine understood the causes of many diseases. There is no valid, scientific evidence linking root canal treatment to disease elsewhere in the body.

Myth 3: It’s better to pull a tooth than have root canal treatment.

Saving your natural teeth, if possible, is always the best option. Nothing artificial can replace the look or function of a natural tooth so it’s important to always consider root canal treatment as an option. Endodontic treatment done by Dr. Mohit Singhal has a high success rate and many root canal-treated teeth last a lifetime. Replacing an extracted tooth with a bridge or implant requires more time in treatment and may result in further procedures to neighboring teeth and supporting tissue.

What Does the Process Entail?

It is a relatively straightforward procedure. We will start off by protecting your clothes with an apron that serves as a bib. Then Lucknow dentist Doctor will then start removing tartar from your teeth using a small metal tool or an ultrasonic vibration device.

After removing all the tartar and stains you will rinse your mouth. Then he will polish your teeth using a paste. The paste will likely feel strange in your mouth, but a good rinsing will help you fix that.